One Membership. Unlimited on-demand contemporary dance classes.

Catering for all levels and abilities with a focus on safe dance practice, and empowering dancers with access to authentic contemporary dance training anytime, anywhere!

The Dancelab Method provides all studios, teachers and students with an opportunity to engage in professional contemporary dance classes. Save hours of time in class preparation with the built in class planner and automated class generator. Contemporary dance classes on-demand, anytime, anywhere!

foundation exercises

Designed to help beginners develop a strong understanding of the fundamentals of contemporary dance.

Progression exercises

Designed to build upon these foundations, challenging dancers to push their limits and advance their skills.

Advance exercises

Perfect for experienced dancers who want to challenge themselves and take their dance skills to the next level.

New exercises, added regularly for fresh engaging classes

Dancing is a beautiful art form that requires dedication, practice, and patience. We believe in providing a supportive environment that allows dancers of all levels to grow and achieve their goals.

Get Started Today


All of our plans offers a FREE 7-DAY TRIAL, so you can take classes in different styles, levels, and with new instructors to see what works best for you.